
Dear Reader,

I would first like to thank you for your visit and to welcome you. My name is Dr. Logix and this is my office. It is my intention to share with you a variety of different perspectives on our World and everything in it.

Over the past two decades,  I have been stretching my perception by gaining wide array of different perspectives. I have managed to accumulate a fairly broad perception which has helped enable me to see things from another’s point of view. I have found that when I stretch my perception of the world, by personal experiences or gaining perspective from others, I can see the world more clearly. Over the years, I have had several people tell me that I should write a book and/or speak publicly to share with others my perception. I have been told I have a gift which is my ability to take complex philosophical concepts and convey them in a way that can make sense to even a skeptic. So as to not make this an ego driven process, I chose to write as Dr. Logix.

In creating this blog, my goal is to broaden your perception by helping you see things in a different way. If I can help even one reader see the world from a perspective that opposes their own, positively impacting their life, then it is all worth it. What I write about isn’t what really matters to me. What matters to me is why I write. I write to free my mind of the thoughts and feelings of frustration from the overwhelming amount of ignorance that surrounds me, permeating my life and hurting my brain. It’s a purging of sorts. Ironically, I have found in “the real world”, nobody is real. It seems everyone is too busy trying to keep a good face (both literally and figuratively). In some cases this may truly be a survival instinct, but I believe in most cases it is ego driven. Even though our ego believes its sole purpose is the preservation of self, its main tools are self deception and guarded emotions. This makes it hard for us to know ourselves intellectually and even harder for us to connect emotionally with others. So my commitment to you as my reader is to not ever lie to you and to provide you with the truth as I see it. Though, the name Dr. Logix is fictional, the man behind him is not. The personal details I share will be of the man behind Dr. Logix and I won’t share it if it is not true. I will do my best to present my perspectives objectively, not hidden behind thin veil of objectivity fueled by self interests. If I have a subjective view on something, I will present it as just that. Though I may write things from time to time that may rub some people the wrong way, it would never be an intended outcome. Rather it will be an unavoidable consequence of honoring my commitment to my readers.

Do I hope you and others will read what I write?  Absolutely. What do I expect you will gain from reading my blog? I hope you will find this blog to be an outlet for your mind and you will be able to relate to something I say on at least an intellectual level. I invite you to share this space with me, by sharing your thoughts, comments and questions. I challenge you to utilize me, a fictional character based on a real man, as your personal sound board of objectivity: ask questions, seek advice/insight on a problem, or offer a unique perspective of your own which may or may not conflict with my own. I do hope you will find my writing insightful, entertaining, and/or enlightening

On a  side note, there are certain presuppositions I have made, as an author, of you as my reader. You will find these on the “Presuppositions” page of this site. I hope that in addition to reading those, that you will take the time to grasp a very basic understanding of my fundamental philosophy on my “Philosophy” page. This will help us create an environment conducive to shifting paradigms. I encourage you to read these pages prior to reading any further. I am excited to take this journey with those of you who are up for the ride. Thank you again for your visit.

Warmest Regards,



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