
(No title)

To My Dearest of Liberal Friends,

As the political machine continues its march towards a full roar, I have been left thinking of what has transpired over the past 8 years and what the coming years could look like. While we all have our opinions of our current president’s job performance, one thing I would hope we can all agree on is that as a country we have never been more divided. This saddens me as we approach the elections this November. As you are my friend, not my enemy. While we may not agree on some issues ideologically, we’ve have a glorious history and have beautiful memories that we share. So how is it that we’ve been able to be divided the way we have, by people we do not know? Regardless of the news channel you watch, the media tells us that it’s a me vs. you matter. The question is: Is it really? Is it not a us vs. them matter?

As informed citizens of this amazing republic which we call home, we acknowledge that our nation’s has persevered in spite of the many pages of our history that are stained with blood of tragedy and crimes against humanity. How is it then that we have managed to evolve as a nation in spite of our sometimes horrific history? The answer is simple… Unity. Not unity of mind, but unity of purpose. Our unity of purpose was established by our forefathers in the Constitution and laid the foundation of a truly free and democratic republic. I don’t believe our success as country has come in spite of our lack of unified minds, but rather, to a certain extent, because we don’t have unified minds.  Indulge me as I clarify that point.

By our very nature we are limited to our own perspective, meaning that our vision can only process what we can see from our particular vantage point and therefore we can only see a sliver of the “complete picture”. The same logic applies to a group of people who all share the same or similar perspectives. They too are limited in what they can see. However, when we have a broad diversity of perspectives, we have the opportunity to see things from varying viewpoints, allowing us to see exponentially more of the “complete picture”. The catch is that this will only work if those evaluating these perspectives are united in purpose. Without a shared purpose, there wouldn’t be incentive for us take the time to see anything from any perspective other than our own. This is where we stand today. Divided not only in mind, but also in purpose. Or at least that’s what they want us to believe.

Now if we were to share with each other what our shared purpose would look like, I believe that it would look something like this:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

            This of course is the Preamble to the US Constitution. You are my friend and, as such, I know you support this ideal. Though, according to the news (from any news channel), it is evident that we are irreconcilably divided, but I don’t believe this to be the case. I believe we are being lead to slaughter and anyone preaching anything other than unity as a nation is one of our “would be” slayers. There are a million thoughts that would have you fight this one simple truth, but it is only because you (like myself) have been politicized. However, it is the truth. We are united in purpose. Accept anything else and welcome the slaughter.

So as this political season comes to form, just remember that we are not enemies. While there are issues that we may think about differently, we ultimately want the same thing… “to form a more perfect Union”. I wish you the best in 2016.


My Best Regards,



Why No God, Makes No Sense! – A Glimpse Into the Mind of An Atheist…

As I sat down to write today, it was my full intention to write a post on the first pillar of atheism. However, as I was doing some research I came across an atheist’s blog in which I became immediately captivated and I just had to address it here. The blogger’s name is Marshall Brain and his blog is called He posted a video to address the problem of a creation event without a creator. If you want to get yourself dizzy (due to his circular arguments, not a dizzying intellect. Trust me.), you can watch the video or read the transcript here.

      The reason I felt the need to address this post today is because I felt that it’s a stellar illustration of how the subjective motives of the typical atheist (not all atheists, but it is common among those advocating atheism) serves them as a type of willful ignorance. Most atheists cannot stand the idea of God, much like I can’t stand the idea of infinity. This disdain for God blinds them, preventing them from seeing any perspectives that might include the possibility of the existence of God. The result of this blindness is that they won’t ever find reason to believe in the existence of God. Not because there isn’t a God or because they lack the capacity to understand it, but rather that they don’t want God to exist. This post is chock full of examples and I will break them down below (His statements in RED). Reader beware, this guy is a stereotypical, arrogant atheist advocate and, with his complete disregard of logic, he has been named a Nominee for Tool of the Month. Here we go: Read More


Why No God, Makes No Sense- Introduction

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this letter that I wrote just for you. In this day in age our time is precious and the activities that we spend time on matter greatly.

It’s a gorgeous day outside today. I have just sat down at one of my favorite writing spots and have decided that I am going to start with a series I’ve called “No God Makes No Sense”.

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Why Mary Riddle? The answer.

Somewhere in the South there were twin brothers both with high moral character:  Tim and Tom. The brothers were both in love with the same girl, Mary. Mary loved both of them and knew she couldn’t choose between the two. So Mary told them that she would marry the one that could prove he loved her more. After much thought and planning, the brothers went to work on their respective plans.. Tim wrote her a beautiful song, gave her flowers, and had “Mary” inside of a heart tattooed on his chest. Tom went to Mary’s best friend Betty, under the guise that he was Tim. He gave her a huge bouquet of flowers, played her the song that Tim wrote for Mary, and then slept with Betty, after asking her to marry him. Betty was so excited that she ran to Mary and told her what had happened, thinking that it would make Mary’s choice easier. Mary was visibly upset and asked Betty about the tattoo on Tim’s Chest. Betty insisted that Tim did not have a Tattoo on his chest. Mary instantly knew what had happened. After much thought and deliberation, Mary chose to marry Tom. Read More