Archives for July 2015

Why No God Makes No Sense- Atheist Pillar 1- Spontaneous Cosmos- Part 3

Multiple-UniversesIn my previous post, I brought up the fact that nontheists commonly argue the “who created the creator’s creator” viewpoint. Now I’d like to take this opportunity to turn this line of reasoning towards the increasingly popular nontheist argument on multiple universes (or multiverse) to support the Anthropic Principle. If you are unfamiliar with this concept, I will explain more, but you can find a great objective synopsis of it here.

It seems to be more and more common for the nontheists’ rebuttal to the theists’ argument, the fine tuned universe, is the Anthropic Multiverse concept. This multiverse argument has acknowledged the statistical impossibility of the universe, and ultimately life, occurring by chance. Read More


Why No God Makes No Sense- Atheist Pillar 1- Spontaneous Cosmos- Part 2

Continued from a Previous Post…


Universe_expansion2For some of you, the origin of our universe doesn’t interest you in the least. You don’t need to understand how something works to believe it. If that’s you, I’d just like to say, “Congratulations. It must be nice!” I say that tongue in cheek, but the reality is that you are lucky because there are those of us who cannot accept a truth unless it makes sense… completely. I will also share with you that, for me, having a concept in my head without a logical conclusion can keep me up all night and does so on a semi-regular basis. I have a slightly-more-than-minor compulsory issue which causes my mind to latch on to a specific problem and won’t let it go until it has a solution. So there are certain concepts that are off limits for me, two of which are eternity and infinitely. These two concepts hurt my brain just trying to envision them, so I don’t. I actually hate both concepts!  Read More


Why No God Makes No Sense- Atheist Pillar 1- Spontaneous Cosmos Part 1

“People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations….For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations….You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.”1

– George Ellis


Having under taken this topic weeks ago, I have found that it became a lot more lengthy than I would have liked. So I have decided to break it into 4 separate posts, to prevent those with short attention span from scrolling down and saying, “Holy cow! I can’t read all this now… I’ll read this later (never).” I hope you get something valuable out of this. I know I did in doing all the research.

Ok, let’s get started. I think that an important place to start this conversation is to point out the fact that the causality debate of the universe is almost exclusively philosophical. A lot of the “God Isn’t” camp would try to steer the conversation away from this fact, but it is a fact nevertheless. There is no empirical data that can confirm how the universe was created and even the most widely accepted theory still cannot answer the question: “Is there a Creator”.

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