Why No God, Makes No Sense- Introduction

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this letter that I wrote just for you. In this day in age our time is precious and the activities that we spend time on matter greatly.

It’s a gorgeous day outside today. I have just sat down at one of my favorite writing spots and have decided that I am going to start with a series I’ve called “No God Makes No Sense”.

As a kid, I was kind of raised Catholic. We attended mass twice a year (Christmas and Easter) and I prayed the “Now I lay me…” prayer just about every night. I never questioned God, let alone questioned if there was a God. As a teenager, I was passionate about debates and would debate the color of the sky if someone would humor me, but when it came to the “God is” or “God isn’t” arguments, I preferred to just sit those out. In high school, two of my closest friends would engage each other in this debate constantly, one would proclaim a savior while the other would say the only god that exists was his creator – his mother. I would try to steer the subject in another direction – like who was the best player in the NBA, the hottest girl in school, or who was the better lyricist: Pac or Biggie. I would talk about anything but the same tired argument of “God is”, or “God isn’t”. It’s not that I didn’t care, I just didn’t doubt God and I felt that He didn’t need me to defend Him.

Then came my senior year. After a series of… uhh, let’s just say… unfortunate events, I voluntarily went to drug rehab. I had quit sports; told my high school basketball coach to go have sex with himself (or something to that effect). Needless to say, my life was spiraling out of control and I was lost. In rehab, we used to have to attend regular 12 step meetings. One of the first meetings I attended, there was a guy there who shared his story. He shared with the meeting that his Higher Power, to whom/which he prayed, was an old oak tree in his back yard… Yeah that’s right. I found myself looking at a successful middle aged man, whose “old oak tree god” was doing more for him than my Almighty God, Jehova of the Bible, was doing for me. I, upon having this revelation while I listened to this man’s story, became agnostic.

Soon after, I was engaging everyone I knew into Theological debates. I debated Christians, Buddists, other “Spiritualists”, and even some Atheists. Arguing both sides, was my way of seeking, albeit in an argumentative manner, the truth. I had finally engaged on the “God is” or “God isn’t” debates, arguing with everyone I could, and two of my closest friends, who had made peace, were now arguing about who was the better rapper. “Pac” (Tupac Shakur) or Biggie” (Notorius B.I.G.)? Well here I am 10 years laterOk maybe 15 years… some years later and I can tell you the one thing I learned about God: God is. Now everything outside of that statement is not relevant to my posts on this blog. I have all kinds of theories/opinions about God, Heaven vs. Hell, Jesus, Evolution, etc., but today I am going to take just that one simple statement of “God Is” and share my perspective on how I came to that realization. To give me a more focused argument I am going to take the 4 main pillars of the “God Isn’t” camp and address them one at a time… Attempting to use the truth and logic alone.

There are going to be plenty of atheists that will cry afoul when they hear me state that there are any pillars to their disbelief, as they are not an organized religion. However, listen to any atheist debate the existence of God and their arguments all are based on dogma.

[dog·ma (ˈdôɡmə/) noun- 1. a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority(in this case science) as incontrovertibly true.]

So for the purpose of the series “No God, Makes No Sense”, I have accepted the following as the Four Pillars of Atheists’ Disbelief:

  1. Spontaneous Cosmos
  2. Spontaneous Life
  3. Spontaneous Ascent
  4. Spontaneous Man

Obviously, the reference material for each of these “Pillars” is exhaustive to say the least. I am not a scientist and I will be the first to acknowledge that some science is beyond my understanding. I understand scientific theory. I have a general understanding of the basics of General and Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. That being said, I didn’t start this blog to make complex arguments more complex. Rather, I am writing to take complex theories and arguments and help any person of average intelligence understand these arguments, then present some logic that stands in the face of the efficacy or these arguments. I am not looking to convert any one to the “God is” camp. I just have some perspectives that I would like to share that will challenge my readers to think for themselves and stretch their perception. So here we go…




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