Archives for May 2015

Dr. Logix says, “It’s ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!”

So after working on all the aesthetics of the site for the past week I am just about finished. I have one more page to finish uploading some information to, but other than that I am ready to roll. I am very excited to finally get started on my blog. It’s something I have been “meaning to” get started on for quite some time, but I ran into some lack of time issues. However, here I am with my first post on my almost finished blog site. Well, actually that’s not entirely accurate. My real first post is the letter I wrote to my readers that you can find here. I felt it was important to share with my readers the motivation and goals which have driven me to write this blog. I also shared some of the presuppositions I have made of my audience prior to embarking on this journey, which I feel is important for my readers to know. So really this is like my 2nd post. Well… actually this isn’t even going to be a real post because I was just wanting to get started and layout some of what is to come in the next few weeks. Read More