Archives for May 2015

Why No God, Makes No Sense! – A Glimpse Into the Mind of An Atheist…

As I sat down to write today, it was my full intention to write a post on the first pillar of atheism. However, as I was doing some research I came across an atheist’s blog in which I became immediately captivated and I just had to address it here. The blogger’s name is Marshall Brain and his blog is called He posted a video to address the problem of a creation event without a creator. If you want to get yourself dizzy (due to his circular arguments, not a dizzying intellect. Trust me.), you can watch the video or read the transcript here.

      The reason I felt the need to address this post today is because I felt that it’s a stellar illustration of how the subjective motives of the typical atheist (not all atheists, but it is common among those advocating atheism) serves them as a type of willful ignorance. Most atheists cannot stand the idea of God, much like I can’t stand the idea of infinity. This disdain for God blinds them, preventing them from seeing any perspectives that might include the possibility of the existence of God. The result of this blindness is that they won’t ever find reason to believe in the existence of God. Not because there isn’t a God or because they lack the capacity to understand it, but rather that they don’t want God to exist. This post is chock full of examples and I will break them down below (His statements in RED). Reader beware, this guy is a stereotypical, arrogant atheist advocate and, with his complete disregard of logic, he has been named a Nominee for Tool of the Month. Here we go: Read More


Why No God, Makes No Sense- Introduction

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this letter that I wrote just for you. In this day in age our time is precious and the activities that we spend time on matter greatly.

It’s a gorgeous day outside today. I have just sat down at one of my favorite writing spots and have decided that I am going to start with a series I’ve called “No God Makes No Sense”.

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Why Mary Riddle? The answer.

Somewhere in the South there were twin brothers both with high moral character:  Tim and Tom. The brothers were both in love with the same girl, Mary. Mary loved both of them and knew she couldn’t choose between the two. So Mary told them that she would marry the one that could prove he loved her more. After much thought and planning, the brothers went to work on their respective plans.. Tim wrote her a beautiful song, gave her flowers, and had “Mary” inside of a heart tattooed on his chest. Tom went to Mary’s best friend Betty, under the guise that he was Tim. He gave her a huge bouquet of flowers, played her the song that Tim wrote for Mary, and then slept with Betty, after asking her to marry him. Betty was so excited that she ran to Mary and told her what had happened, thinking that it would make Mary’s choice easier. Mary was visibly upset and asked Betty about the tattoo on Tim’s Chest. Betty insisted that Tim did not have a Tattoo on his chest. Mary instantly knew what had happened. After much thought and deliberation, Mary chose to marry Tom. Read More


Dr. Logix says, “It’s ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!”

So after working on all the aesthetics of the site for the past week I am just about finished. I have one more page to finish uploading some information to, but other than that I am ready to roll. I am very excited to finally get started on my blog. It’s something I have been “meaning to” get started on for quite some time, but I ran into some lack of time issues. However, here I am with my first post on my almost finished blog site. Well, actually that’s not entirely accurate. My real first post is the letter I wrote to my readers that you can find here. I felt it was important to share with my readers the motivation and goals which have driven me to write this blog. I also shared some of the presuppositions I have made of my audience prior to embarking on this journey, which I feel is important for my readers to know. So really this is like my 2nd post. Well… actually this isn’t even going to be a real post because I was just wanting to get started and layout some of what is to come in the next few weeks. Read More